Friday, November 30, 2007

cant wait 4 to go to macau n hongkong, my sleepover, x'mas shoping , chiku day( dun ask me wads dat its kinda stupid hahas), st nick's netball training, x'mas...............yeah there's still more like: psle cretificates, sec 1 orientation, national day..........kk im goin toooooo far.........yup all my mongoose fwens pls continue to go craziiiieeeee! GO TEAM JUSTINE!!!hahas
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
kays i forgot to tell ya'all dat im goin to St nicks where my schl pledge will b in chinese n i will become more chinese-sy hahas jkjk!!! so my psle score
is..........!@#$%^^%$$#@ ppl scream !!!!!!n ......................................................................
257!!!!!!yays im sooo happy n gd luck to all for ur future years ad *gasp* secondary!!!hahas O LEVELS THERE IS STILL O LEVELS!!!
guess wd peeps!!! im goin to TRY and add sth to my blog! u noe mdm khoo(gu lao shi) 's blog has alittle CUTE DOGGY in it so im planning to add it into my blog so u will b seeing it reeeel soooon n i cant wait to party ad jus's fantastic, hotel-like hse!!!!!!!AHHHHH! its on monday.........OO000.
im like goin to b soooooo busy so dun get annoyed if i dun update my blog evry single dayyyyy! THX JOLYN***ANIRA***FAITH***MONIQUE***JENNIFER OR UTAMA***VANESSA CHEONG***JOCELYN***SHERYL FOR BEING SUCH GREAT TEAMMATEYS DURING THE AMK NETBALL THINGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! here's some blog money fer ya: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
hahas thx man!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
wahhh! psle results is 2moro...OOOOoooooo im O-K....had my dental check-up 2day dentist told me that my teeth were much CLEANER than my sis! HAH! TAKE DAT SIS! Finally something lame to cheer abt b4 my psle results! hahas.......*------* Snooze Mode pls do not disturb sleepy pig.....*********kk tell me ur results guys! n erms......WHO WANS TO WATCH BEE MOVIE WITH ME???? im planing to ask justine n maybe faith IF she wants to watch again.N im quite delited cus i got ALOT of Cool bks from da library! OH ya i finally transfered to the adults n teens section!!!!!!! im so happy cus there's much more!!!! oh ya ZITS comics are so sarcastically funny man! its gd read it! (god....i feel like an advertiserO-O hahas)
Sunday, November 18, 2007
im bored i need to do sth FRESH, EXCITING n WOW. im sick of staying ad erms here's wd i plan to do during the hols:1) watch BEE MOVIE wif my buds2)go to some fish farm n let the little fishies bit the dead skin of my BIG FEET hahas3)go ice skating wif some adventurous buds4) GET MY HARRY POTTER BK BACK N FINISH IT p.s. sis can u go knock john's head n get him to return the bk!!!!???!!! 5)write some stuf.....n draw too^^6) go 4 my church stff( they r lik organising TONS of activities)7) Get psle results which sux(nt the results bt the part where u r goin to receive itn the part dat the results day is nearing)8)spend a day goin crazie wif mie sis9) rock wif my buds10) visit auntie Jay again to c her EXTREMELY FAT N CUTE BUNNY EASTER(i actually carried it n it was sooooo cuddly!)11) go x'mas shoppin wif fwens 12) eat ad ice monster n shop ad daisoan blah blah bllah blah blah blah blah blah......................BLAHing..........................BLAHing........
13)Exercise man! Perhaps i'll lose some weight too! hahas ^^really gona miss u guys! im afraid dat i'll change into some bitchy person lik my seniors when i go sec schl HELP!!! if only mcs secondary is (or isit was) still here........aiyahs still gona tok to yahs n update u abt my life on dis Blog. FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO GT GOOD DEALS 4 UR X'MAS SHOPPING U CAN GO TO DAISO AD PLAZA SINGAPURA ITS REALIE CHEAP EVRYTHNG AD ONI $2!!!!! (dun worry i'll buy u GD stuff for x'mas!!!)
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
OOOOOooooohahas my blog is finally DONE. Blogskin(check) n Tagboard(check). Enjoy ok? n pwees tag me. oh ya! Leave your blog addy on my tagboard so that i can link you! OOOoo gtg need to send my fwen sth! N THX ISSA 4 HELPIN ME! n THX DANNIE N MEL FOR VOLUNTEERING!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
thx all for volunteering man! u'll b rewarded IF I CAN GET STH GD....hahas jus jking!!!Bt im really gonna gt sth fer ya ok? danyelle(danielle) n mehlenny*smiles* erms so i s'pose to tell ya evry thing that happened to me 2day rite? ok den....yups 2day was as usual. I had to go 4 prize givin rehersal which was damn BORING....hahas aleast i had a WIERD KINDA FUN KINDA O_____O KINDA MIXED conversation with miee fwens. hahas and the dying schl bus brot me home..........yup so when i reach home i had to rush up three storeys to get Gemima or isit Jemima my wshts dat she wants. SHE's GONNA STUDY N READ THROUGH THEM....** n im lik ............yooohoooo! she's kiasu man! hahas so nw im listenig to MIKA- LOLLIPOP n gonna hav dinner soon wunder wd ill b havin.......hmmmm :) =_____+LOOOLS
Monday, November 12, 2007
kk....i admit dat i suck ad computer stuff (except for some)n this is like soooo embarassing bt erms.....CAN SOMEBODY HELP ME GET A TAGBOARD N A NEW BLOGSKIN!!!! im really desperate n dun worry:) u will be REWARDED!so please somebody? anybody ? help? bt im still good @ some stuff rite? IM NOT A CLUELESS PIG*____* kk?so pls contact me if possible n HELP dis piggy in distress!!!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
hieee! so i hung out with faith at J8 n we watched THE GAME PLAN. it was O-K some parts were boring n i d cant say dat i hav fully enjoyed it. And as usual, there is a happy ending..........^^ Bt b4 the movie we went to buy some sushi for $1.80 n we took REALLY LONG to give the cashier the money....(i think she was quite annoyed ><) later (still b4 the movie) we bot ice cream from mac's n faith couldnt finish hers in time so we had to put the cup into our sushi plastic bag n sneak it into the movies hahas. It was so funny!Although it was kinda silly...O___o...after the show we went to popular to look up some sec 1 bks(we were REALLY BORED) n trust me WE BOTH FREAKED OUT! there were so many word n symbols n blah that u jus wanta close the bk n ZZZZzzzzzzz. HAhas so b prepared 4 sec1. After freakin out over the totally horrifyin bks we decided to go n play some arcade games....we aso played the games b4 the movie...n blah blah blah......den i went home with faith. so ad home...(omgosh this post is getting reeeellie LONG) i exercise to lose weight n keep fit u noe** dun gimme dat wierd lk! i noe it sounds wierd. Imagine clarissa so skinny n she still wants to lose weight!!!im nt skinny i gt some fats ok!hahas yup n i practiced my grad dawnce gt some tips from y sis n yah it ws ok . so after dat me n issa r lik plannin to swim ad her hse b4 SHE MOVES OUT*sniffs* Her hse is totally HOT bt yah the rent is goin to b lik so ex lik my ex-condo (except dat it ws some stuff...) and when i was plannin to ask my mom,she gt ANGRY. Cus my hp bill was lik $30+ (the limit was $20 O_O) so she cancelled the internet thingy( i didnt really mind cus it was lik $$$$$) n calmed down. Hopefully i can gt her permission (pwees wish me all the best!) n swim ad issa's COOL swimmin pool!!! im gettin a new maid ahhh! kinda excited bt i tink i will miss yati(my currrent maid)...n OMGosh i 4gt to buy her prezzz ahhhhsss! gtg hees!%__0(im winkin)
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
hahas ooooo i made it! my first BLOG. The last one i tried to create was a total DISASTER. i was kinda CLUELESS cus im not dat computer know-it-all kin of person . Never ask me to fix ur com! hahas^^oopsy i hav to bathe(or isit bath......i think its bathe....dunno**)gtg hope ya lik miee blog.Dun WORRY im gonna upgrade it soon...IF I NOE HOW TO.......can some1 help me? PLEEESEE(cute eyes) hahas!Enjoy my first successful blog!