it's d year of the rat n HAPPY CNY PEEPS! my blog is gonna b extinct soon cus i RARELY hav d time to post stuff cus im FLOODED with homewk, projects, blahblah blah n things dat the schl think up of to TORMENT you..........heheheheh i cannot beleive it my schl is one of the few rare schl dat teaches chi lit!!! Y? oh ya finally able to meet my teachers n fwens today! really really really miss them. Chilled out wif faith n issa ad amk hub den issa's fwen , Arthur , came along n den they wanted to go to toa payoh bt then i cant n they wanted me to cum n i wanted to SO MUCH! in the end, they headed off to toapayoh.........i went home.........i hav to do hist project........plan to hav a sleepover on my b'day or on a holiday so dat me n my peeps can REUNITE!!! hahahaahahahahahahahahhhaahs! today's CNY celebration ad school was extremely boring cus it's just boring....atleast they gve us hongbao (containing ferrero roche(dunno hw to spell), n sum pink foto copied letter frm principal(diaos)) wd to do so many stuff to do so little time! hmmmmmmmmmmm.........i wan to eat bt dun wan to grow fat hahas!