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gummypigclahooo@blogspot.com ♥
Sunday, November 9, 2008

The following is erms my ...............jus read if u want to..........

dsancarskjiae(jumbled up) happens to b really @##$%^&^&*() right now...........all she wants to do is use her com....chat wif her frens..........tok to her bf and jus does nt wan to chaat or do sth wif me...kk i noe i sound a bit ____________(fill in). bt we were quite close until she went to frikin __. its lik she finds it diff to hang out wif me or sth.....at most she will oni play ONE taiti game wimme today. n i asked her why cnt she spend more time u noe............n she was lik i dun wanto..........fuckit lah(EXPRESSION OF DISPLEASURE NOT DIRECTED AT HER)why?! am i such a bloody friggin obstruction or annoyin thng to hr WUNDRFUL LIFE?! its aways my fault n nt hrs.............smetimes she's so friggin act cute........i feel so hurt by some of hr comments or wdevr u call dat ....replies..........btw i asked her if she wants to play a comp game wit me(she usually does) n she was lik i jus studied finish n i feel tired............OH SO UR TIRED N YET U WANT TO USE THE COM N TALK TO UR BF N EVEN MSN WIF UR FREN....gosh i feel so frikin worthless man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry guys abt the UNCENSORED stuff bt i am or was nt sur angry n it was jus a spur of a moment............hahas n happy hols im really bored........................................................................i wish ___ would jus spend more time wif me (im nt lessbian lah)
Monday, July 7, 2008

its youth day n i gt hw n life is boring n i think i wan ta kill my blog...............muahahaha i noe hw to sing happy bday in german hahahahahahas kk i noe im abit spazz

need to do hw


i dun like naked chickens

i dun like living chickens
hahas kk

hw time!yao haohao du shu hahas!

dun think i will reach my 50th post
im oni ad 33 haha

pinkermann! very MAN! AWESOME!

goin for 5km marathon on 3 aug wish me luck n i hope i won die.....hahahas nah im strong so muahahaha watch out ppl!

spazz hahazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Sunday, June 22, 2008

Heys! gosh last day of hols n 2moro i will hav to gear up fr this horrid study craze hahas.........kk i really miss my hols thou i was almost bored( kinda died at one point) it went really FAST like a blur........unlike skool days so friggin slow.......kays i enjoyed my last few days wif my sis n kor. bt tooo bad my buds r tooo busy...grounded.....not allowed....other reasons....i kinda pissed( nt ad them lahs!) bt at least i managed to compleete all my hw except the pt abt memorising sum chi stuff ahahhahahass too lazy i think this will be my last post until dec hols hahas too busy n i cnt wait for the upcomin cip ad osim trailthlon....is dat hw u spell it? hahas real tired nw...................
stuff happening.......
sis goin on a 5 day 4 nite camp( which will obviously be fun) why?! why?!i wanna go toooo!

goin for sum 5km marathon (touchrun) hahas dunno if i will survive

many tests bombing me after hols n hw tooo cus i think all skools beleive that hols make kids lazy n it's wrong nt gd shld study till their death beds hahas

wwerqerwemrivobuibcuwibuirbgfiudcbjsb v.xcvopea]bosmknjniqqqqqjqioihfioviodfba;hprui[htki ,hahas sory typing rubbish for the fun of it hahahas......................

nth to say

really nth to say

totally nth to say

i h8 blogging

tooo lazy to blog


$$$goooooo pinky n pinkerman n gygy n gygaman publishing co.

oinkytottle will b back School ( for super pigs with superb.........SPAZZNESS hahas)

Friday, June 6, 2008

kk i noe.......my blog is pretty dead rite nwcus im 2 lazy n yah btw
do or isit did(ahh its my blog so who cares? hahas)u noe that........
ppl use "etc" to make it sound like they know alot yah i noe.......spastic
yesterday i went to zara's hse and we started painting on wood for cip.....pls dun make me EXPLAIN
k n den beat-rice aka lion was dunno doin waht i think transferring paint when.........
she toppledover the whole can of YELLOW paint .( my paint color was BLUE zara's was RED)
i think half of the paint in the can was poured over the newspapr hahas really messy.

so lion was cleaning up wif zara when she spilled the thinner and it soaked through the newspapr so the floor was yellowish and it was one BIG MESS. hahas thx lion u've really made my day!!!

yah while we wre goin to continue to paint after a MA MA MIA u-dong meal, lion screamd bcus of MEEELO! yah zara's dog managd to open the door sumhw and it walked in it was totally cool man! luckily our paintings wre dry cus the dog was walking over it. hahas

oh yah zara's parrots kept on saying hello till lion was pissed and she started sayin hello to them
OH YAH! they can aso say gdbye! hahas cute.......

oh yah b4 faith gets mad at me for nt updating my blog............
on wed
me faith jus
went to fuji ice palace to skate
sum friggin show off guy skated towards me and did sum cool brake thingy to scare me n i was wObBlInG and all dat hahas cnt explain well....and i was almost DYING.......of shock fear and getting wet n falling down faith kinda freaked tooo when she saw sum kiddo fall she ws abt to fall then hahas.(p.s i shouted @ THOSE PPL WHO WRE INCONSIDERATE LIK YA......N LUCKILY THEY DIDNT HEAR ME OVR THE LOUD MUSIC OR I WOULD B DEAD BY THEN BT I WAS REALLI pISSED.)**

jus was a pro bt SHE wondrd hw to skate backwards

btw we saw sum cute aussie guys n jus wif lots of guts took a pic of thm hahas
too bad they left ad woodlands mrt station

kk nd to do my hw n will try to bug my sis to ice skate wimme AGAIN
buy percy pig piglets gummy sweets they rock!
Saturday, May 31, 2008

Hellooo all pewny prawns! hahas long time no blog! im jus too lazy lah......
k i officially nd to go out and hav fun cus im sick n tired of staying ad hom watching tv n sleeping n eating. i need HUMAN INTERACTION badly.
here's how my hols is goin to be like:

On the dark side.....

tuition CHINESE

watchin movies

watching crazeee movies
makin stuff for my maneqiun(is dat hw u spell it)

cip at horse stable every tues
osim volunteering
ice skating (anyone wan to iceskate wimme?)
extreme stunts( hahas)

my sis is friggin lucky to hav tons of camps im lik friggin bored k i hav to enjoy my hols or..............k dad's buggin me gtg will call my pewny prawn frens alright? hahas!

1oo% Oink
GIMME $$$$$!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at MagMyPic.com

hi guys n peeps of d world!


hope dat you will keep the earth clean n green!(i m so not doin it)

best of all dun breathe becus u life will only cus harm to ur fellow beings

a better alternative is to jus get rid of ur little sibling who has been polluting the environment


hahas that was totally cheesy corny n lame hahas jus bored la you cant blame a tired and listless girl rite?

kinda miss mcs(more like my chaps there) although i keep on complaining abt it almost every single day last year hahas it is amazing how we take things for granted even dou we r reminded nt to so many times hahas!

how r u guys i mean we r like total strangers nw hahas hope we cn bomb each other soon!!! hahas

FORGETFUL oinker who may hav a trickle or fountain of great POTENTIAL(dats me hahas jkjk bt the forgetful pt is true hahahahahahahas!)

stay SLIM n healthy hahas!!!^O^
*sigh* jus too many....